June 23, 2024
Episode 24: Avatars for All! – Hedra AI
In this episode, Alex introduces a new AI tool called Hedra that allows users to create talking avatars. He demonstrates the tool by generating a video with the avatar speaking about AI and marketing. Although there are some glitches in the facial and lip mapping, Alex is impressed with the tool and believes it has […]

In this episode, Alex introduces a new AI tool called Hedra that allows users to create talking avatars. He demonstrates the tool by generating a video with the avatar speaking about AI and marketing. Although there are some glitches in the facial and lip mapping, Alex is impressed with the tool and believes it has potential with some refinement. He encourages viewers to check out Hedra and suggests there may be unique marketing applications for it.


AI marketing, avatar, Hedra, talking avatar, website, efficiency, output, quality of work


  • Hedra is an AI tool that allows users to create talking avatars.
  • The tool has the potential to enhance websites by providing virtual guides.
  • Although there are some glitches, the tool is close to meeting expectations and can be used for cool features with a tailored script and some tweaking.
  • Hedra may have unique marketing applications that are worth exploring.



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