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Episode 12: GPT Highlights – Website Generator

Episode 12: GPT Highlights – Website Generator

Summary In this episode, Alex explores a GPT called Website Generator from the GPT store. He uses it to build a video game blogging website and shares his experience. The website includes multiple pages, a modern design with loading animations and scroll effects, a...
Episode 9: Daily Digest

Episode 9: Daily Digest

Summary In this episode, Alex reflects on a previous episode that he felt was not up to par and discusses the importance of owning and learning from mistakes. He then highlights a Google Top Stories article about MIT researchers developing a video reviewing tool that...
Episode 8: [UPDATE] How NOT to Curate AI Content

Episode 8: [UPDATE] How NOT to Curate AI Content

Summary AI-powered content curation is transforming the landscape of marketing, but it still requires human touch and expertise to add context, creativity, and critical thinking. This episode was a clear reminder of that for me! After recording, I knew that content...